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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin | Detonado Completo / Guia de Platina

Está com alguma dificuldade em Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin? Então acompanhe o detonado completo passo-a-passo de Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin exclusivo aqui da Games Ever! Lembrando que também serve como um guia de platina tanto para troféus do Playstation quanto conquistas do Xbox / Steam!


O nosso detonado está separado em 10 partes, como pode conferir a seguir:


Conteúdo: Missões A Desperate Struggle, The Light of Cornelia e Illusion at Journey’s End.
Troféus obtidos: Manifestation of the Soul, No Escape, Seeker of Power, Lantern Smasher e Hopes and Dreams.


Conteúdo: Missões In Memories, Dawn of a New Journey, Azure Memories: The Betrayer e The Journey Begins.
Troféus obtidos: Memories of the Distant Past e The Pirate’s Way.


Conteúdo: Missões Azure Memories: The Believer e Audience with the Dark Elf.
Troféus obtidos: Savant e The King of the Dark Elves.


Conteúdo: Missões Azure Memories: The Overconfident, Natural Distortion, Indigo Memories: The Damned, Scarlet Memories: The Shackled, A Familiar Place, Scarlet Memories: The Savior e Memories of Wind.
Troféus obtidos: Dark Crystal, Warrior’s Heart, Distortion’s Progeny, A Landscape of Memory e The Wind’s Light.


Conteúdo: Missões Scarlet Memories: The Erudite, Memories of Poison, Indigo Memories: The Humiliated e Memories of Fire.
Troféus obtidos: Imbued Memories, Vague Remembrances e The Fire’s Light.


Conteúdo: Missões Phantoms of the Past e Memories of Earth.
Troféus obtidos: Phantom Memories e The Earth’s Light.


Conteúdo: Missões Indigo Memories: The Trapped, Indigo Memories: The Deceived, Indigo Memories: The Stymied, To Remember, Azure Memories: The Sacrifice, Azure Memories: The Greedy e Memories of Water.
Troféus obtidos: Path of the Sage, Path of the Paladin, Shared Recollections e The Water’s Light.


Conteúdo: Missões The False Warriors, Ebon Memories: The Tragic Cynic, Ebon Memories: The Truthseeker, Ebon Memories: The Yearner, Ebon Memories: The Power-Hungry e Schemes of the Past.
Troféus obtidos: Path of the Void Knight e Malice Takes Root.


Conteúdo: Azure Memories: The Rebel, Remembering Home, Scarlet Memories: The Fallen, Coral Memories: The Avenger, The Suffering of Fools
Troféus obtidos: Path of the Liberator, Path of the Dark Knight, Duty’s Course, Path of the Breaker e Led by the Nose.


Conteúdo: Strangers of Paradise, A Fraught Journey, Indigo Memories: The Stabbed, Ebon Memories: The Soul Seeker, Ebon Memories: The Warrior, Ebon Memories The Guided
Troféus obtidos: Terminus of Fate, His Name Is Garland, Master’s Awakening, Artifact Collector, Seeker of Ultimate Power, Origin of True Chaos, Crest Bearer, Polymath, True Potential, Strangers’ Memories, Path of the Ninja, Path of the Tyrant, Path of the Assassin, Jack-of-All-Trades, Cycle of Darkness, Job Master e A Tale of Origins and Endings.

Confira também nossos outros detonados.

João Paulo Solano Lopes Filho

Sou um fã de videogames desde que me conheço por gente, principalmente de RPGs. Tento convencer os meus pais e a mim mesmo que não sou um viciado (acho).

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